Tuesday 25 December 2012

Chromaclysm devlog 1

Hey guys! Welcome to my first Devlog for Chromaclysm.

They're gonna be in video form, so check out the video below:


Subscribe to my youtube to get updates straight to your feed!

Thursday 6 December 2012


So it's been over a year since I last updated this blog (with a project that died, perhaps for the best).

I've recently been working on a voxel based FPS I'm calling "Chromaclysm". It isn't anywhere near ready for an alpha/beta release but I thought I'd post a screenshot here now:

Btw I also do a bunch of youtube videos incase you didn't know, my channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/MrAlfie275 and is where I'll probably be uploading any gameplay footage.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Colony Control report 2

Didn't get much done due to school and life stuff.
Implemented job system, you now lay plans and the dude carries them out.
Edit: Yeah this died like 10 months ago, just incase you (whoever you are) was wondering.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Colony Control report 1

So far I've done pathfinding and some basic AI stuff, as well as a framework for objects.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Colony Control

I guess this is an announcement, of sorts, that I am starting progress on a new game called Colony Control.
It's going to be an isometric game, and play kinda like a mix between SS13, Dwarf fortress and The Sims.
The player plays the part of an AI placed in control of a colony on an inhospitable moon or asteroid, you'll have to look after the humans, oversee mission objectives and react to situations.

If you want to sign up for early alpha testing, email me at alfie275@live.co.uk with the subject header "Alpha Testing".

I expect to have a progress update in about a week, probably less.

Friday 26 August 2011

ALife source!

Because hey, I'm not likely to do anything with it!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Alife rv3

In this release:
Yellow time travel blocks, will send back blocks:
  Sends white blocks back 4 steps, which then reapear on opposite side
  Counts number of green blocks and sends a signal back that*2 many steps, signal makes block act like green

The white blocks bounce around, and are a tad glitchy but nothing too bad.
