Monday 21 December 2009

AsciiMan Cave generation

To the left you can see a cave generated by the game, my method starts with a grid filled with random bools, I then apply the CA (cellular automaton), as of time of writing, 15 times. The CA is as follows:
If a square has less than 4 surrounding walls it becomes a floor, if it has 4 it stays the same, if it has more than 4 it becomes a wall.

Saturday 19 December 2009

AsciiMan 0.26

New in this release: it should crash LESS, you may sometimes get a crash but not as much. Also...Scrolling!


Sunday 13 December 2009

AsciiMan 0.025

WARNING: IT WILL CRASH SOMETIMES, it depends on the seed, I will hopefully be able to get this fixed.


Thursday 5 November 2009

AsciiMan 0.02

A new version is out!


Can only attack if adjacent

You can die

Tuesday 3 November 2009

AsciiMan 0.011

A new version is out!

Changed wall symbols
Wall detection
Duck can now die (with associated combat text)

Monday 2 November 2009

New project: AsciiMan

I have started a new project, follow me on twitter (username alfie275 all updates will be prefixed #rougelike) or follow this thread.

Here is 0.01:

Saturday 24 October 2009

Source code give: Treasure Hunt

I am giving the following code for free and you may use it wherever but I do ask you give credit where credit is due.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <ctime> // For time()
#include <cstdlib> // For srand() and rand()

int random (int Range)
int num;
num = rand() % (Range + 1);
return num;
int main ()
srand(time(0)); // Initialize random number generator.
cout << "Welcome to treasure Hunt! A game by Alfie275!\n You have to guess the position of the treasure on the following grid:\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9";
bool Guessed = false;
int Guesses = 0;
int pX;
int pY;
int X = random(9);
int Y = random(9);
while (!Guessed){
cout << "\n\n Enter your guess:\nX:";
cin >> pX;
cout <<"\nY:";
cin >> pY;
Guesses ++;
if (pX != X pY != Y){
cout << "\n Incorrect! The treasure was to the ";
if (pY < Y){
cout << "south";
if (pY > Y){
cout << "north";
if (pX < X){
cout << "east";
if (pX > X){
cout << "west";
cout << ".";
if (pX == X && pY == Y){
cout << "\n\nYou got it right ";
if (Guesses == 1){
cout << "first time!";
else {
cout << "in " << Guesses << " guesses.";
Guessed = true;
while (1);

Thursday 22 October 2009

Games to watch: Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress (actually called "Slaves to Armok:God of Blood Chapter II:Dwarf Fortress) is an ascii based game (its currently in alpha, so remember that before criticising it) being made by Tarn Adams (also known as Toady One), head of Bay 12 Games.

The first thing the player will do (well the first thing you might want to do is get a tileset ifyou can't handle the ascii awsomeness) is to generate a world.

Then the player can use this world to play either Dwarf Mode or Adventure Mode.

Dwarf Mode:
This is similar to an RTS in some respects. The player does not directly control the dwarves, rather they give orders such as mining and building things. The player will have to provide food and shelter for their dwarves as well as defend against attackers. After a fort has matured the player will often attempt a 'megaproject' such as a pyramid or tower.

Adventure Mode:
This is like a rougelike. The player controls a single character and can take quests from mayors. This mode has a wrestling system and the player can train various other skills such as swimming or throwing. In the future it is planned that the player will be able to use the same skills as in dwarf mode to build a house.

Here is the site:

As of writing the current version is

Saturday 4 July 2009

So yeah I got a new blog.

I think it is important to have a blog, who doesn't have one? I already have a twitter but that is sort of different than a blog really.